Friday, March 2, 2007

Wash Out

It rained all day yesterday - morning till night. We were fortunate to avoid the worst weather. There were fatal tornados to the south. The rain had paused as we headed to the bus stop yesterday, so we didn't take an umbrella - bad idea. I was talking to a neighbor after the bus had left when the skies opened. Adam, Madison, and I made a mad dash all the way back down the street to our house. It was like the time Helen and Poppy got caught in the surprise downpour when we went camping last Summer (above picture).

Since it was raining Helen decided to make snickerdoodles - sugar cookies with cinnamon. Derek and Adam set up an assembly line. Derek rolled the dough and Adam covered it with cinnamon. They were very good.

Helen's watercure is still holding up. It's a struggle to get through all the water, but she's seeing some improvements. She's not as congested, although there's still a lot of drainage.

Wednesday was a bummer at work for me because one of my close colleagues was let go. It brought back bad feelings from when I lost my job a few years back. Everyone was in shock and the normal close-knit atmosphere was rocked. I've been trying to let everyone know that he would appreciate a quick email or call and any effort to drum up opportunities that might be of interest.

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