Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Last Week

We've been enjoying the nice weather and the extended daylight hours in the evening. One evening, Helen and the boys rode their bikes to the book fair at Derek's school. Helen was sad when she saw that I had removed the child's seat from the back of her bike now that Adam can ride his own bike. Just last Summer, Adam was riding in the child's seat when we would ride our bikes to the pool. He just wasn't quite up to riding his bike with training wheels all the way to the pool.

At the book fair, Derek complained when Helen wouldn't buy one of the books he wanted. She made a deal that he could have the book if he put back one of the other books he had chosen. He picked "The Lion, The Witch, & The Wardrobe" to put back. She told him he had to return one of the other "trash" books (Yu-Gi-Oh, Pokemon, or something along the same line) and not one of his "real" books. He wasn't happy about it.

Helen had planned to ride bikes to Derek's piano practice the next day, but her butt was too sore from the ride to the book fair.

I went to the other Mens tennis team's practice on Wednesday since rain was expected on Thursday, our team's regular practice night. It looked like the rain was going to hold off and I was going to get to play on Thursday as well, but the rain started right before practice. We were at Derek's baseball practice when the rain started and everyone had to make a run for cover. We ended up finishing practice in the gym. Adam romped around the playground with his new friend, Patrick.

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