Thursday, March 8, 2007

George The Gerbil

Adam and George inside his exercise ball

Me and George before his teeth got big

Grayson the cat and George the gerbil taking an interest in each other

George The Gerbil has been a popular addition to the family. He was a present from Santa this past Christmas. Derek is enamored with the name, George. He says, "he just likes it." We found a couple of small turtles in the back yard last Summer and Derek named them George and George Jr.

George sleeps in his cage next to Derek on his bedside table. Derek brings George downstairs in the morning and puts his cage on the kitchen table, where George stays until dinner. Adam and I feed him cereal and fruit from our hands in the morning. Derek takes George back upstairs and puts him in our room where we read stories after bath time. Sometimes Derek takes George out of his cage and lets him run around his room. I made the mistake of picking George up recently and got a bite on the finger that drew blood. It seems that George's teeth are much bigger and sharper than they were when we first got him.

1 comment:

Chris said...

awww...George is such a cute name. He seems to love you Dave!

Very cute pics! Can't wait to see how big he got!