Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Derek's Sick

Derek came home from Nanna and Poppy's with a nasty cough. He crawled into our bed during the night and started coughing. Helen got him some expectorant and I sent him back to his own bed. Helen doesn't mind the boys sleeping in our bed even though she admits that we don't sleep as well. Like many things involving the kids, she figures that there's only so many years of those kind of things before they're grown and gone. I tell her that I agree to an extent, but I'm not sure that "bad sleep" is something I'll miss.

Helen left early from school and took Derek to the doctor. He has bronchitis and tonsilitis. The doctor gave him some antibiotics and said that he should be fine with some rest.

Derek has a school project to design a family flag. He worked on it today and Adam wanted to work on his own flag.

1 comment:

Chris said...

Sorry to hear Derek is sick. I certainly hope he feels better for his party this weekend! Take it easy D!

Can't wait to see everyone!!