Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Derek's Birthday Plan

Derek made up the itinerary for his birthday party and listed the presents that he would like (you can see a larger image by clicking it). If you haven't already guessed, the theme is Legos.

We're scrambling to try and figure out when we can get to the Lego store and buy a bunch of "loose" Legos for the Lego building contest. We've got baseball and tennis starting, Derek's birthday party, various friend's birthday parties, the beach, Adam's birthday party, Easter, finishing up the school year, and Disney World. It's fun, but crazy!

1 comment:

Chris said...

How cute! Can't wait to come to the LEGO BIRTHDAY! Good to see Derek is in party planner mode. I'm sure he'll have a blast! Good luck getting to the lego store.