Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Adam's Sick

Adam announced that his belly hurt after dinner last night. A few minutes later he was throwing up in the toilet. Thankfully, he's always so good about getting to the toilet when he's going to be sick.

I stayed in bed and skipped my run because I stayed up too late setting up our Blog. Adam came in and cuddled a little before we had to get up. Derek is pretty much on cruise control in the mornings now. He does his daily pushups, situps, and pullups without me having to get onto him. He makes cereal and pours orange juice for him and Adam and then practices his piano and packs his snack.

The boys usually ride their scooters down the street to the bus stop. I ride Derek's scooter back and race with Adam, but only if Adam declares it a race day - which is only if he has a big enough lead on me.

Adam ate breakfast, but said his belly hurt afterwards. He didn't act like his normal self, but he didn't throw up. We worked on his numbers before we left for school. We think he's finally catching on to the transitions - 19\20 29\30, etc., but not without much frustration.

I was a little worried when I dropped Adam at school and he told me that he's allowed to go to the front office if he doesn't feel well. I got to work and hour later the school called and said that Adam had thrown up. Luckily, he made it to the toilet again. Ms Mary and Ms Katie told Helen that they asked Adam what he had for breakfast and he looked up with his big brown bashful wet eyes and said, "cereal and toast". They thought it was cute.

Helen left work early and picked Adam up. There's nothing better than a Mommy when you're sick. Adam was feeling well enough for Helen to take the boys to Derek's piano practice. They moved Derek's teacher a few weeks ago to a back room that's cold and uninviting. Helen finally told the owner that she's not happy with the room. There was a bit of a language barrier so we're not sure how much disappointment really got across.

I took Derek to his basketball game while Helen stayed home and got Adam into bed early. Usually he stays up for about an hour after we put him down, but he went right to sleep tonight. Derek always goes to sleep right away. The boys have been showing up in our bed a lot lately. Adam usually waits for me to go downstairs after putting Helen to bed and then he sneaks into bed with Helen. I put him back in his own bed when I go to bed.

I've been keeping a family journal for years in a Microsoft Word document and in the journal I refer to me as Daddy and Helen as Mommy, so I may slip up from time to time in the blog. I'm planning on doing my usual journal entries as blog posts now and then I'll transfer them to our family journal. I still like the idea of a standalone journal for all those "not for public consumption" things you can't put in the public blog. Also, I'm concerned that I won't be able to get all my blog entries archived in some portable format that I can manage years from now.


Chris said...

Sorry to hear Adam has the stomach bug. It seems to be going around again. I hope he's doing better this evening. You're morning routine sounds good. Mike likes having his morning time with Lindsay too.
I know they have good daddy/daughter time in the mornings before school. I loved picturing the scooter races in the morning...I'm sure your neighbors get a kick out of it!

Kelley said...

Are you freakin' serious?! Derek cannot be doing situps, pushups, other tortures that early in the morning AND on a routine basis!!!!

I KNOW he didn't get that from Helen (sweet, perfect Helen).
Brother,he's 7. 7! I feel an intervention may be in order. Have you read The Great Santini? All you need is an alcohol problem and some marine buddies.

I must remember to ask Derek about all this at the beach.

I guess he'll be the only 7-yr-old with a six pack.

Love you!

Chris said...

Oh MY GOSH...Kelley has a good point! I had to go back and re-read that. I read the Great Santini. I'm cracking up now! You might need to defend yourself here a bit Dave.

David said...

The Great Santini - I resemble that remark. I'm on the verge of throwing in some road work if he doesn't tighten things up. I'm just trying to do my part to keep America beautiful.