Thursday, February 22, 2007

Allergy Testing

Helen's eagerly anticipated allergy testing finally happened today and....she's a little allergic to cat hair, tobacco, pigweed, and bahia grass, but there was no big aha! We'll see what the allergist has to say at her followup appointment next week. She was really hoping to identify the culprit of all her sinus problems.

It was a beautiful day and there was another impromptu block party after school. Adam started riding his bike without training wheels over the holidays out of necessity after one of his training wheels blew out. Today he started riding the bigger bike that was a hand me down from one of the neighbors and he seemed to like it better than his little bike. The picture above is from New Year's Day when Adam just learned to ride his little bike.

Helen made blueberry pancakes, eggs, and grits for dinner. The boys wouldn't stop eating. We finally had to cut them off. Helen gave the boys benadryl before bed because she thought they looked like they had some allergies.

I went to tennis practice and Helen tried to catch up on the mountain of papers to grade.

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