Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Blog On

My sister, Katie, called to say that she was looking into starting her own blog - Louisiana style. Hey that could be a good blog name. We're glad that so many people seem to enjoy keeping up with us through the blog.

Sunday morning the boys helped me get started on the stoop jacking project while Helen went grocery shopping. They were so excited. They got their work gloves on and their flashlights.

Why is it that nothing ever works out as easy as you think it will? The void that I thought I remember being over 2 feet deep ended up being quite a bit less. The cramped quarters made it difficult to work. The hydraulic bottle jacks didn't work right of the box. I had to bleed the air out of them. That took some time to figure out. I was just making progress when I had to stop and go to my tennis match. I hate to stop when I'm in the middle of something - and especially for mixed tennis.

It was the last match of the mixed season. I don't know why I signed up to play mixed tennis again - I originally agreed to fill in last season and Helen says I didn't like it then. But, for some reason, I didn't remember it being as painful as it is and let them sign me up again.

Helen and the boys played basketball and soccer while I was at tennis. When I got home from tennis I was anxious to finish up the stoop jacking project. In the end the stoop looks good from the outside. I'm sure that the job wouldn't pass code inspection, but we'll deal with that when\if we ever sell the house.

The boys were excited that Helen rented "Barnyard" for us to watch Sunday night since there was no school Monday for President's Day. It was pretty good. We cuddled and ate popcorn and sour patch kids.

On Monday we went to the lawyer in the morning and then Helen and the boys ran some errands before meeting Nanna and Poppy at ChikFilA for lunch. We're so thankful that the boys get to see Helen's parents so often. We think they're creating memories that they'll treasure the rest of their lives.

This morning Derek woke up early and was ready when I went upstairs. Adam thought he was late and cried because he didn't think that he had time to eat before going to the bus stop. I reassured him that Derek was just early and that he had plenty of time.

Derek had piano practice and then a basketball game. Adam played with his pirates this time. Helen's sinus infection seems to be back. She's miserable. She's supposed to do her first round of allergy testing on Thursday. The doctor thinks that if she solves her allergy problem then she can break the sinus infection cycle. She almost had a breakdown when she called the doctor today and they said that she can't do allergy testing if she has an infection. To which she replied that she had to quit taking all her various allergy\sinus medicines in order to do the allergy testing and that's why the infection has come back. They said that if she came in and had an infection then they would give her another round of antibiotics (her 4th) and if she didn't have an infection then she could do the testing. Poor Helen (poor me). When I said in sickness and in health I didn't think they meant this much sickness.

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