Friday, February 9, 2007

Trying To Get Outta Town

We're struggling trying to get all the loose ends tied up so we can head up to Sugar Mountain ( tomorrow (actually today since it's past midnight again) as soon as Derek gets home from school - at least that's the plan.

The boys helped Helen pack today. Adam insisted on packing his own bag - all his underwear and short sleeve shirts. It was cute and a good effort, but Helen had to go back and modify the job. A couple years ago when we were heading out of town early in the morning Derek drew us the picture above and taped it to our bedroom door to remind us to wake him up early.

Derek filled out his valentine cards for his class yesterday and today he helped Adam do his cards. Helen and I were trying to remember the grade where it started to feel "awkward" giving valentines.


Chris said...

Have a great trip! Maybe once Lindsay gets old enough we can all do a ski trip! I've never been skiing either!
I'm thinking after about 4th grade or so on the Valentine's. Lindsay has Valentine's for her teachers at daycare. Mike thought I was being premature with that but hey these people are caring for our child 7 hours everyday. I also got little Valentine Rubber Duckies for all the babies in her class. We're going to put them in their boxes on V-day. What can I say...I'm a softie.

Kelley said...

Have fun in the snow! I hope you all remain healthy and well. Post some pics of those super cute boys. Cutie Patootie and Captain Fantastic on the slopes. What fun!