Thursday, February 8, 2007

Helen's Turn

Helen emailed me from work to let me know that she was thinking that she might be coming down with the stomach bug that Adam had and that she would come home if Adam was still sick. Adam was fine and went to school, but Helen was home within a couple hours and getting real cozy with the toilet. Poor Helen, she's had a sinus infection since October that just won't go away. She caught a cold last week and this week a stomach bug. Her immune system just can't catch up.

So far Derek and I have avoided the stomach bug, but I'm a little worried because we're heading to Sugar Mountain, NC on Friday for a week of skiing. Helen says she's going to be irritated if I catch the bug and she has to drive. She's just joking because I give her a hard time about all her illnesses. I always tell her that I'm going to join a support group for caregivers because of the toll that her illnesses are taking on my quality of life.

She always brings up the time a few years back that she called me at work on a Friday and said that she didn't feel well and asked if I could come home early. She had been to the doctor during the day and they said that she had strep throat. So I'm thinking I'm in for a weekend of running the house and taking care of Helen and the kids. She didn't say it was urgent that I get home right away, so I decided the reasonable thing to do since I was going to be stuck the rest of the weekend would be to stop by the driving range on the way home. I would have a little fun and I would still be home earlier than usual. Unfortunately, when I got home Helen was miserable, lying on the floor, and burning up. It turned out that she was really, really sick and had to be admitted to the hospital for a few days. It was a really scary experience where they couldn't figure out what was wrong, her blood pressure dropped to something like 40 over 60 and the nurse told me she was the highest priority patient at the hospital. They ended up diagnosing her with shock. Who knew? I keep telling her that I'm pretty sure it was just a small bucket of balls.

1 comment:

Chris said...

I don't remember hearing that story before...hmmmm??? Nice one Dave!

SO sorry to hear Helen got the bug. I really hope she's feeling better and no one else gets sick.
Have a great time in North Carolina! We can't wait to see some ski pics on the Blog when you get home!!