Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Mother's Day

Me and the boys made breakfast

Finally Helen gets put on a pedestal (or at least a footstool)

Adam's Mother's Day card that he made at school

Derek pulls the other kids at Helen's parent's house

Lindsay, Adam, and Brooke

Chris and Helen's mom read the Mother's Day cards that Derek made for them. Lindsay loves to be wherever Derek is.

Helen's dad plays Candy Land with the kids. The first game went quick, but the second game was one of those marathons that grownup's dread.

Helen's brother's, Paul and Michael, put on a fish fry

Adam loves fish

I made the desserts - peach cobbler and chocolate mousse pie

Helen prepares a string to tie around Derek's tooth. Helen's dad offered Derek $3 if Derek would let him pull the tooth.

Derek shows off the tooth

...and the money

One more ride before heading home

Sunday May 9, 2010

There are more pictures from Mother's Day on Chris's blog.

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