Saturday, May 8, 2010

Blue Mountain Beach: Day 8 of 8

Relaxing and reflecting on the week for a few minutes before heading out

Last goodbyes

Playing in Alys Beach

Big house next to Alys Beach. Adam says, "A rich person must live there."

Going to take a look at the water

The feel is kind of eerie in that the development just never filled in like planned

View of beach from observation tower

Checking out the shops in Seaside

Break for lunch

Some ice cream before heading back home

Saturday April 10, 2010

It was another successful beach vacation with my extended family. We all have this beach vacation thing down pretty good now after all these years. Everyone does a nice job of pitching in so that no one person\family feels too much of the burden. One of the worst things that can happen with one of these big group vacations is when one person\family feels like they're hosting a big party for everyone else.

It's such a nice tradition, especially with everyone living so far apart, to set aside a time when we can all get together. And the beach is a great place to do nothing and just be together. I don't generally like to do nothing, but it seems like the best way to do a big family vacation. Trying to coordinate activities and dining out with a big group is asking for trouble.

It was such a nice day that we decided to drive down 30-A and visit some of the other beach towns before heading back home.

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