Thursday, June 19, 2008

What else is going on?

Blowing bubbles with Lindsay at Helen's parents

Berry picking

Father's Day

Pool picnic with Lindsay

With all the blogging about the road trip, I haven't had time to blog about anything else - so here's a quick update.

I had to go to work on Monday - the day after we returned. It was nice that Helen is off for the summer so she could handle all the laundry and stuff. The first few days after the trip were about getting everything back in its place. Helen also managed to get to the pool some.

The weekly summer outings with Helen's parents have also resumed. Last week Helen and the boys went to her parents house in Roswell for a visit. Helen's parents are keeping little cousin Lindsay since Helen's brother, Mike, is recovering from kidney surgery and his wife, Chris, is pregnant. Today Helen's parents brought Lindsay over for a picnic at the pool.

The boys had a week long tennis camp this week, so Helen had to be out of the house with the boys by 8:15 each morning. We've all been staying up too late to get up in the morning. We're used to the lazy summer mornings of cuddling in our bed together.

We stayed up until after 1 the other night watching City of God. Helen was exhausted, but couldn't pull herself away - she blamed me. We also watched two movies left over from our trip: Batman Begins and 3:10 To Yuma - all excellent films. The kids watched Batman Begins with us. There were some scary parts, but they didn't seem to be bothered.

I had rented about 10 movies for the trip to watch in the van, but we never made it around to "Batman Begins". The kids kept asking for it, but I would put in "Swiss Family Robinson", "Parent Trap", etc. The boys seemed to like the movies I put in, but they kept hoping each time it would be "Batman Begins". Besides wanting them to see some of the "classics", Helen and I wanted to see "Batman Begins" also and the person driving wouldn't be able to see it. They also watched "Indiana Jones : The Last Crusade", "Treasure Island", "White Fang", and "Enchanted".

We're also trying to redo Derek's bedroom this summer. It seems that, at 9, he's no longer appreciative of the hot air balloon theme. Derek's spent a lot of time figuring out what he wants to keep and what we can get rid of and now it's almost time to paint.

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