Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Mom Is Retired!

Mom and her friend, Leroy, who worked with her for years

The store put on a nice retirement party and lots of friends and former co-workers came

Working right up to the end

My brother Jason, sister Kelley, and Jason's wife, Laine, waiting around in front of the store until it's time for mom to clock out

Me and mom

Mom and her kids (L-R) Katie, Kelley, Jason, and (me) David

Cleaning out her locker

Joking around with one of the store managers

Clocking out for the last time - hooray!

Last goodbye's

Back at mom's house before heading out to dinner

Derek and mom seeing who's taller

The gang out for a celebratory dinner

Toasts all around

A complimentary dessert from the restaurant

Visiting back at mom's house after dinner

Everyone came over early Saturday morning for Adam's soccer game

Back at mom's on Sunday for lunch and more visiting

Mom and her retirement present - a new bed

Katie and her dog, Stella, head back to Louisiana

Sacked out watching movies

On Friday, my mom retired from Kroger after 35 years. My sister, Kelley, came in from Alaska. My sister, Katie, came in from Louisiana. My brother, Jason, and his wife, Laine, came in from their travels all over the country.

My mom was not expecting Kelley to come in so when she showed up and surprised mom on the back porch after taking a taxi from the airport - it took mom several minutes to gather herself.

The store threw a party for mom at lunch on Friday. Lots of old friends and co-workers came to congratulate her. It was very nice.

We all gathered at the store before quitting time to get some photos of mom cleaning out her locker and clocking out for the last time.

It was all kind of surreal. Mom and Kroger have been a constant part of our life since we were kids. My mom is a tough, Catholic, mid-western farm girl and she's been working crazy hours 6 days a week stocking groceries for way too long. Initially, she was apprehensive about retiring but finally came around in the last couple of months to embrace the idea. We used to always joke with her that she would only leave Kroger in a body bag. "Marta down on aisle 7", we would say.

We are so happy for her and hope that she finds joy and purpose in her new life as a retired person.

Love you mom.

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