Thursday, March 18, 2010

Adam's Clubhouse

Adam and some of his gang

Adam shows me where his gang built a pit and covered it with brush in order to catch outsiders

Saturday February 20, 2010

Adam and his friends have had various clubhouses over the years. The latest one is an area along a creekbed that runs behind some neighborhood houses.

A couple years ago Adam and his friends had established a clubhouse behind some of the cedar trees that run along our backyard fence. A sewer like smell tipped us off to the fact that they were digging holes and peeing in them.

Adam has always been into the clubhouse thing. I don't think Derek was ever into it. Adam's club rules can be very elaborate. Once Adam spent hours devising a code sheet with symbols that were tied to each letter of the alphabet. Adam painstakingly made 6 or 8 copies of the code sheet by hand for the other club members and then led a training session for them to learn to write in code.

One time I caught Adam and his friends hazing one of the younger brothers. They were having the kid stay under a laundry basket for a lenghth of time in order for the kid to gain membership into the club. I told them not to do that, but they insisted (and the kid confirmed) that the kid liked being under the basket. I saw that there was plenty of air holes so I let it ride.

Helen and I aren't much into belonging to organizations, but somehow I think Adam is a future fraternity kind of guy.

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