Sunday, March 15, 2009

Snow The Day The Music Died

It snowed a couple weekends ago. The snow was pretty with big flakes and the kids tried to play in it, but it was very wet and messy. I had gone into work for something and when I called to tell Helen that I was headed home she said it was snowing hard. I asked if the kids were outside playing in it. She said that Adam was, but that Derek was despondent because he just found out that he had left his MP3 player in his pants and it had been through the washer and no longer worked.

Derek had used a gift card from Christmas to buy the player and he had really been into it. He was constantly at the computer downloading music from my collection onto it and we thought it was really cute how he was so passionate about it.

Derek was sad, but Helen said he was really worried that I would be mad. I didn't give him too hard a time. I just reiterated my mantra (which he doesn't really buy into) about how everything has a place and how things should always be put back in their and learn.

Adam was working fevershily on a snow fort when I got home, but it wasn't really going anywhere and he was soaked through so I made him go in and change so we could walk over to a birthday party for his friend, Ryan. Helen and I were coming down with something. School was canceled the next day and Helen slept most of the day. This winter has been the absolute worst for us in terms of sickness.

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