Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Adam Is 5 Today!

Clothes don't count as a present

Today is Adam's 5th birthday. He's been on a high all week, but he was disappointed when he found out that today is not his "real" birthday. It took me a while to figure out that he thinks his "real" birthday is when there's a party and his friends come over. That's not until Sunday so today was a little bit of a letdown for him. Aunt Chris called tonight to wish Adam a happy birthday and she also did a real nice birthday tribute to Adam on her blog.

We wrapped presents and decorated after Adam went to bed last night so he would be surprised when he came downstairs this morning. When we went upstairs to bed Adam was still awake and admitted that he had snuck downstairs and saw us wrapping presents "but he didn't see anything".

Adam was excited that he got to bring cupcakes to school to celebrate. His classmates started dancing around chanting "cupcakes...cupcakes" as soon as we walked into his classroom.

Helen took Derek shopping for Adam's present after school. Derek took the opportunity to exchange some Lego sets he got as birthday gifts for sets that he doesn't already have. He also bought a nerf gun game with some of his birthday money. He and Adam spent the early evening shooting each other and us. I finally took the guns away "for a week" after Derek pegged Adam in the forehead at close range after we told them to quit shooting each other in the face.

Adam picked "sushi" for his birthday dinner, but didn't want to eat it tonight since tonight is not his "real" birthday. So, instead he wanted grilled ham and cheese sandwiches, apple sauce, and peas and carrots.

Helen baked a cake and Adam helped her decorate it. After dinner we ate cake and then opened presents. Adam got some clothes (boo), Legos, a swim mask, a Curious George book, an Air Hog airplane, a tv\video game controller that lets you play the arcade classics: Ms PacMan, Galaga, Pole Position, and a few others.

1 comment:

Chris said...

Sounds like Adam had a great "fake" birthday! I hope he enjoys his "real" birthday on Sunday. It's going to be COLD!