Sunday, January 24, 2010

Adam and his Nutcracker

Adam loves all things knights and castles and such. He has always been fascinated by nutcrackers and loves to check them out in the stores and we read the Nutcracker story at least once each Christmas. But it was still a surprise to us how he has taken to the Nutcracker that Santa brought him for Christmas. Santa is wondering why he didn't think of getting him one earlier.

Adam still has his soft baby blanket and frequently carries it around, along with a menagerie of several small stuffed animals. He sleeps with them and then brings them downstairs in the morning while he watches cartoons. The blanket and the animals are a pretty big handful as it is, but Adam still managed to find some room for Nutcracker. We pointed out to Adam that Nutcracker is kind of hard so it might not be a good idea to sleep with him, but he doesn't seem to mind.

Right now, it seems like Adam would be perfectly happy to live at home forever and cuddle in Mommy's lap. Derek, on the other hand, has had one foot out the door since he was an infant. He never really liked to cuddle - even when he was little. He seemed too big and unwieldy to fit in Mommy's lap at way too young an age.

I don't mind that Adam still needs a blanky, stuffed animals, and Mommy's lap - sometimes. After all, Linus is awesome and he carries a blanket. Linus's Christmas story and his "Sincere Pumpkin Patch" are as good as it gets. I love Adam's innocence and he should always feel like there's a safe place to shelter him from a world that seems at times to move way too fast for him. However, there's no denying that one day he will have to swim (or sink) in the big river. It seems to me that, even though he has no desire to swim in the big river, not forcing mandatory swim practices would be bad parenting on our part.

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