Monday, August 10, 2009

First Day Of School

Derek makes his way to the bus stop. Adam had already raced ahead.

Derek and Becca. Their last year in elementary school and their first year in the same class since preschool.

Adam (4th from right) is actually one of the older kids as a "been there done that" 2nd grader

Today was the first day of school for 2009. Helen and the rest of the teachers were back at school last week getting ready, but today is the first day for the kids. It seemed like a couple years ago that the number of kids at our bus stop had dwindled to just a handful, but now we're back up to about 15. There were several new kids at the bus stop who were starting kindergarten. One of the Mom's thought Adam was starting kindergarten and after I told her that he was starting 2nd grade we had to talk about how fast it goes.

Helen started to fade a little as she got herself mentally and emotionally prepared for another school year. Usually, as the start of the school year draws near I accuse her of "slow responsing" me because her responses get slower and slower as she draws more into her own thoughts...lamenting the passing of another Summer and psyching herself up to face another school year. We joke that she needs her "rocking in the corner" time. Once the school year starts she's always fine.

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