Friday, December 5, 2008

We're All Sick

We're in the midst of the longest period ever of continuous sickness in our house. I had strep throat and a sinus infection a few weeks ago. I finished a round of antibiotics and was feeling better for few days and then got knocked down again. I started another round, but don't think it's bacterial because I haven't been feeling better on the antibiotics. Adam also has a sinus infection and is finishing up his antibiotics. He missed some school and still has a cough, but is feeling better. Derek felt bad for a few days and still has a cough, but he seems to have kicked it. Helen nursed us all through and then came down with what I have - achy, sinus pain, earache, and terrible soar throat. It seems to be going around her school as well. She says it is the worst she's ever seen it in terms of the number of kids and teachers being sick. We're all ready to be better. Derek said that he hoped that he felt better in time for Christmas. Here's to hoping.

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