Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Adam's First School Sick Days

Last Tuesday, we got a call from the school saying that Adam had thrown up and was waiting in the school clinic to be picked up. Helen happened to be on a school field trip, so I picked Adam up.

When I got to the school, I saw Derek in the hallway with his class and gave him a kiss as I made my way to the clinic. We're happy that he's still not too old for public displays of affection. Adam was lying down and sat up when I walked into the clinic. He told me, "Dadda, I threw up".

Adam had a fever, but still had an appetite. He rested and took a long nap, but the fever got worse at night. He didn't throw up anymore, but had bad diarrhea. Helen took him to the doctor on Wednesday, but they said to take him to Children's Healthcare Hospital because they couldn't do an IV and they were concerned that kids can get dehydrated so quickly.

We figured it was just a stomach bug, but we were concerned about being sent to the hospital emergency room. Thankfully, the doctor said Adam seemed fine and that we should continue doing what we were doing - rest and fluids. When they were leaving the hospital, Helen said, "See, that wasn't so bad." Adam acknowledged, "Yeah, except for the butt part." The doctor had taken a stool sample and Adam was not too fond of that part of the experience.

We kept Adam home again on Thursday and he returned to class on Friday. He was pleased that his teacher and lots of kids asked about him. They also thanked him for sending in snacks for the class on Thursday even though he was out. For the month of October, each kid was assigned a letter and day to bring in a snack that started with the letter. Adam's letter was "M". He brought in McIntosh apples and M&M's. Derek dropped the snacks off at Adam's class since Adam was sick.

We got a follow-up call from the hospital and it turns out that Adam had shigellosis. The nurse thought it may have come from the trip to the Zoo. We've used the experience to drive home the importance of good hygiene to Derek and Adam. When they go to the bathroom and before they eat we tell them to scrub their hands really good for at least 10 seconds and remind them what can happen if they don't. They'll be on the toilet for a couple days like Adam was.

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