Monday, July 9, 2007

July 4th Fireworks

Derek and his friend Morgan

Adam and Ryan think the fireworks are too loud

Enjoying a picnic before the Chamblee fireworks

One of Adam's bottom teeth is hanging on by a thread

Me and Derek

Helen and Laine with her new platinum doo

Glowsticks courtesy of Nini

July 4th seemed to sneak up on us this year. I love the non-consumer holiday's and, especially, July 4th. Our tradition is to eat pizza for my pre-Peachtree Road Race meal. The past few years we've been going to Paizanos in Old Town Norcross and then watching the fireworks in Norcross. This year, I was looking forward to the meal and forgot all about the fireworks. Helen remembered and made reservations, but I was finishing up some work and was running late so I had to meet Helen and the boys at the restaurant. I wasn't prepared for the crowds and parking a mile away. I always feel like such a follower\herd animal whenever I find myself in a crowd.

We had a nice meal and saw lots of neighbors\friends. Derek hung out with his good friend, Morgan. Derek was so excited when we allowed him and Morgan to roam around by themselves. He talked about how it was so fun all the next day. We hung out with our neighbors, the Morgan's, and Adam ran around with Ryan Morgan. I spent most of the time talking tennis with some guys from my tennis team, while Helen talked to Sylvia Morgan.

The Norcross fireworks are not very good, especially compared to the City of Chamblee fireworks. My brother used to live in Chamblee and many years ago invited us to the Chamblee fireworks. We were blown away and have returned every year! Over the years, more and more people have discovered the secret and the crowds have grown. Luckily, the Norcross fireworks are usually on the 3rd and Chamblee's on the 4th. We always meet my brother, Jason, and his wife, Laine, and my Mom. Derek mentioned that he wished that my sister, Katie, could meet us also since she used to come along before she moved to Baton Rouge.

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