Thursday, May 17, 2007

Helen's Gum Surgery

On Friday, Helen had gum surgery because it was receding around one of her teeth. She went in to work for a few hours since she's so busy finishing up the school year. After she left school, she went and had her allergy shots and then stopped by my office since it's close to the periodontist. She needed some reassurance because she was a little nervous about the surgery. The whole procedure only took about a half an hour and she was much happier when she stopped by afterwards.

Helen wasn't sure how she would be feeling so she made plans to have her parent's, Nanna and Poppy, pick up Adam and meet Derek at the bus stop after school. The boys are always excited to see Nanna and Poppy.

After school, Derek had a "popsicle social" at Jones Bridge Park with his class to celebrate the end of the school year. The boys ran around like crazy and were worn out by the time I got home. Helen said she chatted a little, but was a little self conscious about her mouth since it was still numb and she didn't want to start drooling while she talked.

At first Helen wasn't even going to fill her pain killer prescription because she felt fine, but the pain kicked in over the weekend and she was glad to have the pain killers. After a few days, her mouth felt much better.

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