Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Derek is doing percussion in the school band and he was so excited when I told him we were going to see Stomp. He said that his band teacher had shown the class a video of Stomp and talked about how cool the show is. The Varsity was the lunch choice before the show.

Adam, who doesn't usually like hamburgers, likes the Varsity hamburgers

Adam had been invited to play with his classmate, John, but couldn't because we were going to the show and Adam was a little cranky about it. John's dad decided to take John to the Georgia Tech basketball game at the Varsity. We ended up in the table right next to them, so Adam got to see his friend after all.

Adam and Derek were still recovering from the night before when they had gone to the Thrashers hockey game and a spend the night birthday party for one of their neighbor friends, Ryan, where they stayed up way too late.

We left our car at the Varsity and walked to the Fox Theater

When we got out of the show, the temperature had dropped and the wind had picked up. We really enjoyed the show. I was worried it was something that would seem cool at first but we would quickly tire of, however they did a good job of mixing it up and keeping it fun.

We walked back to the Varsity and ate again

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