Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Mid December 2010

Helen and niece Brooke enjoying pancakes with Santa at Helen's parents church

Waiting in line for Santa

Derek, cousin Lindsay, and Adam

Brooke is still not quite sure about this Santa thing

Toys For Tots toy collection with Adam's scout den. It was freezing!

Tinsley the Elf up to his usual mischief. While we slept he set his friends up around the table.

Adam plays Christmas songs on the organ at Helen's parents house

It's always fun to play with your cousins

Baking cookies with Nanna

The boys always look forward to my brother Jason and his wife Laine taking them to a movie during the holidays

The boys roped Jason and my dad into a game of golf on the Wii

Jason and Laine took Adam's bed for the night so Adam set up camp in Derek's room

Tinsley takes a ride on Lulu

Sometimes Tinsley leaves gifts for the boys

Adam wanted to make peanut butter cookies with chocolate kisses

Helen loves to make coconut cake. My job is to cut and shred the coconut.

Being off of school for the holidays meant there was plenty of time for Adam to do what he enjoys most - setting up elaborate wars

...and cuddling with Lulu

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