Monday, April 13, 2009

Derek as Elvis

We're back from the beach, which means there's a lot of catching up to do. Hopefully, I'll be able to blog about our beach trip soon, but for now I wanted to blog about Derek's project that he did on Elvis Presley before Spring Break.

Each child in Derek's 4th grade glass had to pick a person to do their project on. They had to read a biography, put together some facts, make a poster with some pictures and some facts, and then give a presentation in front of the class acting as the person they picked.

Derek did a good job and was happy with how the project turned out, but it wasn't looking so good when I came home from work the night before it was due. I saw that he had a lot of information, but it wasn't very well organized. He was in crisis mode trying to pull it together. I offered minimal help on the grounds that just because it was a crisis for him didn't mean it was a crisis for me. He should have prepared earlier like I'm always telling him. Helen, being much nicer than I am, helped him scramble and pull it together.

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