Tuesday, January 22, 2008

More Snow!

We had snow Wednesday night and then it snowed again on Saturday. What is this...Minnesota? The kids are loving it. There hasn't been enough to do much sledding, but there's enough to have some fun without messing up the roads.

On Saturday my tennis match was canceled due to the weather so I got to see Adam's basketball game. He hustles around, but doesn't really know what's going on. There's 2 kids that are good and they pretty much freeze out the rest of the team, which isn't a bad thing - they deserve it.

Derek's team won their first game after two consecutive ties. They're really starting to get it. I'm very proud of them. As a coach of the team we have to give out an "award" (e.g. top rebounder, most improved, best defensive player, etc) to EACH player at the end of the season. I can't stand it. Usually there's a couple kids who are best at multiple things and deserve the bulk of the awards and the other kids don't deserve anything other than "participation" awards. I was going to say "effort" awards, but some don't even deserve that.

After basketball we ran some errands and had lunch at a new pizza place. When we got home the boys couldn't wait to get out in the snow and play with their friends. They started building a snow man, but decided that snowball forts would be better.

On Saturday night Derek went to a sleepover birthday party for his friend, Jacob, and Adam went to Ryan's for a sleepover of his own. They were both excited about the sleepover's all week. Derek said he had trouble concentrating at basketball because he was so excited. We went out for a nice long dinner with our friend's, the Pope's, at J Alexander's.

On Sunday the really cold weather blew in. I made up my tennis match and it wasn't too bad once you got running around. Helen and the boys went on a walk and I asked if she saw anyone. She said, "Are you crazy? Nobody's going out in this cold". I said, "What about all the northern transplants that supposedly live in Atlanta. Why aren't they out and about?" Weather's just a state of mind. You can't let it rule your life.

Helen and the boys had Monday off for Martin Luther King day. Derek helped Helen grade some papers while Adam and Ryan played and then Helen and the boys went to see a movie. They wanted to see Alvin and the Chipmunks, but the ticket line was so crowded that they had stopped selling tickets for it by the time Helen reached the ticket counter. After some crying from Adam, they settled on the Veggie Tales movie. Adam insisted he didn't like the movie, but then admitted that he did after Helen and Derek called him on it because they heard him laughing a lot.

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