Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Derek unveils his costume to Nini

Aunt Laine and Derek have some snacks before the parade

Uncle Mike, Lindsay, and Aunt Chris

Aunt Helen gets a kiss

Another cute shot of Lindsay

Adam and Derek incognito

And now...unmasked

Adam and Ryan discuss some pre-parade logistics

Nini dressed for the occassion

Laine, Derek, and Jason head up for the start of the parade

Mike, Chris, and Lindsay on their way to the parade

Our neighbors, Sandra and Pete. Pete's costume is probably not politically correct these days, but I thought it was pretty funny given that we actually have a multifamily Mexican household in our neighborhood.

Meeting up with some others on the way to the parade

Adam and Ryan man the pirate ship float

Derek's friend, Becca

Our neighbors - Mr Scott, Carlton, Madeline, and Margaret Ann

Derek and his teacher this year, Ms Sutton, who happens to live in our neigborhood. Derek just adores her.

Me hamming it up behind Chris and Lindsay

The fire trucks arrive to lead the parade

Becca's tail

The parade winds through the neighborhood

Helen helps out with the post parade refreshments

Derek and his crew

Ryan and Adam are off to trick-or-treat

Adam is captivated by the graveyard display at one of the houses
The last glimpse of Derek before he took off. He loved that we allowed him to run off with his friends this year.

The pirate ship at night

Visting while waiting for trick-or-treaters. Lindsay did a great job handing out candy.

Derek checks out his haul

Halloween is a big deal in our neighborhood. There's a parade with fire trucks leading the way, followed by a pizza party before the kids head out for trick-or-treating. What great memories for the kids!

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