Monday, September 10, 2007

Welcome To Moe's

Derek has soccer practice on Friday nights, so we've been going out to eat after practice. After the first practice, we went with Derek's choice of Dairy Queen. Our stomachs are just now recovering. I remember the "Brazier Burger" from my youth as being pretty good. Times have changed. I'm not sure what kind of meat (if it was meat) that was in the burgers.

This past Friday, I decided to go out on a limb and try Moe's. I like Moe's, but Helen's not crazy about it and the kids have never tried it. Derek always complains if it's not hamburgers, pizza, or chicken fingers, so we haven't picked it before. However, he didn't complain too bad when we told him that we were going to Moe's. He was familiar with the "Welcome to Moe's" greeting and I think he was curious to see what it was all about.

It was a rousing success and, in fact, the kids keep asking if they can go back. Helen even agreed that it wasn't too bad. The kids liked the silly names for the menu items and had fun ordering. Normally, we don't let them have soft drinks, but we let them that night and they thought it was big fun to fill their own cups with their soda choice. So it looks like Moe's will be another option for us.

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