Well, another school year has flown by. Helen still has to go back on Tuesday for a teacher work day, but the never ending stack of papers to grade won't be hanging over her head so she can finally relax. Next year, Adam will be in 4th grade and Derek will be in 7th.
The boys bought a bow and arrow set this weekend while we were out shopping. They couldn't wait to get home and try it out. They had lots of fun playing with it in the backyard over the weekend and, so far, they've managed not to hit one another or any of the neighbors.
On Friday morning, Derek's school held an an awards ceremony for the 6th graders. Derek got awards for all A's and B's, perfect attendance, and for one of his art pieces being selected for the county show.
On Saturday afternoon, after the Peachtree Jr Road Race and a couple of hockey games, the boys had a piano recital. Adam forgot his book but played his piece pretty well anyway from memory. Derek struggled with "Come Sail Away", but at least he finished better than he started.
Ms Judy their instructor
As long as we're dressed up we might as well take some pictures